Ela 9

Words on a Page Presentation

This is my prezi about “Words on a Page” this story review is about a girl in grade 10 with a first nations background and she happens to be a good writer and her teacher wants her to go to Thunder Bay, Ontario in Canada. When she asks her parents, her mother says check with her father, so when she does he says no. She has this dream about a crow that’s trying to land but it can’t  but as time goes on and days ass more crows appear in her dream and when they land they represent her story……. but I won’t tell the rest of the story


Found Poem

Listen to my boring voice have fun to me explaining the story “And the Lucky winner is……” a story set in the future and a boy crashes from a helioite and is paralyzed from the waist down so he goes into the hospital and its gonna cost half a million to fix him with advance surgery so there is a lottery that can fix him so that’s what this story is about

Oct.8 ELA 9 New start!

Hello welcome to my blog just to let you know its extremely hard to focus without stopping and looking at this gif……………… Your welcome X)


Welcome to blogging, Nate!

You might be surprised to learn you have a blog. And you’ve got some of your work on it already. That’s how simple it is to blog! Crazy, huh?

You’re starting with me in Grade 9, so over the next four years as you continue to add work and examples of your writing / speaking to this blog, you’ll have quite a collection to reflect back on at the end of Grade 12. That’s how you’ll recognize how much you’ve grown in your communication abilities, by comparing the early work to what you’re capable of before graduation.

I hope you embrace this blogging task and experiment with developing a writer’s voice for yourself and enjoy the feedback you can give and receive from your peers. Who knows where this will take us, right?


Ms. Waldner

A1 CC Descriptive writing practice

After reading “Laying on the Sidewalk Bleeding”, we played around with writing our own descriptive passages. We tried to focus on creating vivid phrases to really give the impression for the reader of what they see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.

Gr 9 Descriptive Writing Nate

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